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This show is devoted to women over 40 who want to rebrand and redefine "over the hill," smash age barriers, and rediscover happiness and success! It's never too late to pursue a dream, a passion, or start a new chapter in your life. Join Helen and her guests as they discuss all aspects of aging after 40 and how to make the aging process and those "twilight" years more rewarding, exciting, and fun! And be sure to join the PRO-Agers community today!

May 13, 2024

Dr. Shivani Gupta is a vibrant voice in the realm of holistic health! She is an expert in fusing Eastern and Western practices that help our bodies achieve equilibrium. Hear about how Ayurveda can be used as a biohaking tool to leverage optimal health.  Learn your Dosha. Learn all about the amazing benefits of Tumeric. Circadium Rhythym, Diet, Self Care and SO much more!  Have a pad of paper and pen ready.  You will want to take notes durig this very insightful conversation!